Sherbrooke International Life Sciences Summit

Sherbrooke International Life Sciences Summit is an international summit on open innovation for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical technology industries. The event will take place in Sherbrooke, Québec (Canada) on 26th – 27th September 2013, under the title ‘Sherbrooke International Life Sciences Summit’.

As you are probably aware, the big pharmas have dramatically changed their model of research in the past two years, thus considerably reducing their pipeline of R&D. This has led to the closing of several pharmaceutical research centres. The purpose now of the big pharmas, and even some large medical devices firms, is to look at biotechnology companies or small medtech firms as well as academic research to complete their lines of products.

The summit will be an opportunity to meet with the leaders of the industry, hear what their strategies are, and how they wish to work with smaller companies or university research centres. B2B meetings will be organised in order to facilitate discussions between large and smaller companies and could be a great opportunity for companies located at your park.

For further information, please click here.