15.00 Welcome words and overview of the situation – scientific view on solutions managing the virus in the workplace. Kirsi Kotilainen, D.Sci. (Tech.), Solution sales lead, Smart Energy and Built Environment, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
VTT is a visionary research, development, and innovation partner.
15.20 Panel discussion on innovative solutions from Finland and Baltics available for companies to provide safety in the working environment. Moderated by Kirsi Kotilainen.
A safe, social and sustainable solution to protect people’s health with UV technology
Rober Arus, Respiray OÜ, Chief Operating Officer (Estonia)
Respiray’s innovative wearable air purifier eliminates over 99% of viruses and bacteria with UV technology.
Fighting COVID-19 with cutting-edge measurement technology
Maria Uusimaa, Vaisala, Director, Industrial Instruments (Finland)
Vaisala is a global leader in weather, environmental, and industrial measurements. Vaisala provides observations for a better world, with space-proof technology even exploring Mars and beyond.
Mitigating Covid-19 airborne risks indoors
Edgars Brokans, SAF TEHNIKA, Sales Manager (Latvia)
Aranet by Saf Tehnika provides air quality measurements utilizing Nondispersive infrared (NDIR) sensor technology for monitoring air in workplaces, schools and home.
Leveraging antibodies to create an outbreak-free working environment
Linas Kuzma, Imunodiagnostika, Product manager (Lithuania)
Imunodiagnostika develops and produces innovative in-vitro diagnostics solutions in the field of immunology.
16.15 End of the event
Participation is free of charge, registration is open here: https://tapahtumat.kauppakamari.fi/doingbusinesssafelyusinginnovativesolutionsfinlandandbaltics190521