Health 2.0 Europe

Health 2.0 Europe 2012, it’s 300 participants from 30+ countries, 75 speakers including 50+ LIVE demos, a special focus on Pharma 2.0, an Investors’ Panel and Q&A on how to finance your Health 2.0 project, a 2 day Code-A-Thon, and over 30 journalists already registered and ready to talk about you…

For health entrepreneurs…
earn about latest trends and meet the new players: some will become your competitors; some will turn into great partners. Get first-hand advice from investors and financiers on new ways to fund your startup. Network, network, network… and build some media buzz!

For health professionals…
Discover the tools that will transform your practice and assist your daily tasks. Join the conversation on important breaks such as ‘Who will pay for these new services??’. Better understand the empowered patients and make the most out of the new patient-doctor relationship.

For patients…
Learn about new tools to help you navigate – and not drown – in the wealth of online medical information. Discover new ways to make yourselves heard, kick start new initiatives, and be part of the conversation throughout the design process.

For investors…
Spot the latest trends, scan technologies and investment opportunities, and meet the future game changers.

For pharma and medical devices…
Watch LIVE demos of the tools that will enable you to better listen, connect, and collaborate with patients and doctors. Stay ahead of the impact of social media on your industry. Understand how to grab the opportunities… and avoid the pitfalls!

For payers and insurers…
Come discover technologies with the highest potential to improve clinical outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. Witness how they will promote compliance and revolutionize the costly treatment of chronic conditions. Why try to build it yourself when surely there’s already an app for that!

For designers and developers…
9,000€ in cash prizes will be distributed to the winners of the Berlin Code-a-thon 2012, a 2-day competition bringing together developers, designers, health care experts, and patients eager to create new, exciting applications for improved health and wellness. Don’t miss an opportunity to fund your project or meet your future partners in crime!

For more information visit Health 2.0 Europe website.