Advisory on European Union funding programs

The Estonian Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) consortium offers small and medium-sized businesses various opportunities to promote and develop their business ideas through different European Union funding programs such as HORIZON, EIC, etc. Our experts help companies identify the most suitable funding programs for them and support them in the application process.

We offer comprehensive information and guidance on EU funding programs and instruments as a free service.

We advise companies on the details of funding programs, such as types of funding, project-specific guidelines, EU contracts, and much more. Additionally, we organize informational events related to EU funding instruments, aimed at increasing SMEs’ awareness of the various funding opportunities in Europe.

Our goal is to provide SMEs with centralized information about EU funding programs and to promote the use of funding instruments at the national level. We aim to help local companies find suitable funding mechanisms and project partners to fully realize their ideas.

The EEN advisory service is available to all Estonian stakeholders interested in EU funding programs, such as companies at various growth stages, research or financial institutions, municipalities, and other entities.


Horizon Europe is the EU’s leading research and innovation funding program, aimed at advancing scientific progress, fostering innovation, and addressing societal challenges. With a budget of over €95 billion, Horizon Europe supports a wide range of projects, transnational cooperation, and initiatives across various scientific fields. Find more information here.



The European Innovation Council (EIC) funding program focuses on supporting breakthrough innovations and high-risk, high-reward projects. This funding instrument provides significant financial support to innovative startups, SMEs, and researchers to accelerate the development and market introduction of cutting-edge technologies. The EIC supports groundbreaking and innovative business ideas across various scientific fields and sectors. Find more information here.



The Interreg programs fall under the European Cohesion Policy, which aims to address cross-border issues and jointly enhance the potential of different regions. The program consists of four strands: cross-border cooperation (Interreg A), transnational cooperation (Interreg B), interregional cooperation (Interreg C), and cooperation of the outermost regions (Interreg D), each with specific scopes and objectives. There are 89 programs in total, funded with €10 billion from the European Regional Development Fund. For Estonian applicants, the relevant programs are Estonia-Latvia, Baltic Sea Region, and Central Baltic Region programs. Programs such as Interreg Europe, Urbact, Interact, and Espon are most suitable for public authorities.


The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is an EU body and an integral part of the Horizon Europe program. The EIT connects organizations operating in the fields of education, research, and innovation (the so-called knowledge triangle) to form dynamic cross-border partnerships and create an innovation-friendly environment. The institute promotes and supports a new generation of entrepreneurs and encourages the creation of innovative companies, especially SMEs. Currently, nine Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) operate in the following areas:


These Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) organize open innovation competitions aimed at contributing to the development of innovative ideas and adapting to global challenges.


COSME is a program supporting the competitiveness of businesses and SMEs, aiming to enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of European companies, especially SMEs. COSME provides funding instruments, networking opportunities, and support to facilitate SMEs’ access to financing, markets, and business development services. The goal of COSME is to strengthen the resilience and growth potential of SMEs across the EU, promoting entrepreneurship and innovation. Find more information here.



The LIFE program is the EU’s funding instrument for environmental and climate-related projects, supporting sustainable development. The LIFE program provides financial assistance to initiatives that contribute to the conservation of nature and biodiversity and the transition to a low-carbon and resilient economy. Find more information here.



EUREKA is a pan-European intergovernmental initiative that facilitates the implementation of research and development projects among member states and promotes cross-border cooperation between businesses, research institutions, and universities. EUREKA supports innovative projects through a flexible, industry-driven approach, accelerating technological development and fostering economic growth by enabling partners from different countries to collaborate on cutting-edge research initiatives. Find more information here.



Do you need help finding project partners to apply for EU funding? The EEN Estonia consortium assists companies in finding potential research and development partners using the EEN Network Business Contact Database. Explore partnership opportunities here.