Enterprise Europe Network
EEN võrgustik on üks maailma suurimaid innovatsiooni ja ettevõtluse tugiorganisatsioone, tegutsedes 66 riigis üle maailma. Võrgustikus on üle 600 erineva ettevõtluse tugiorganisatsiooni Euroopas ning kaugemalgi.
Loe lähemaltdummyInformation for an internationally operating company
We offer general legal advice on the impact and implementation of EU directives, national legislation of countries, international trade agreements and disputes, transportation conditions, taxation, and public procurement issues.
Advisory on EU funding programs
We offer comprehensive information and guidance on EU funding programs and instruments as a free service.
Business contacts database
We help find international business partners from the business contacts database.
Partner search service
Review of cooperation offers from foreign companies and a contact search service for foreign companies