Category: Uudised

Estonian companies invited to business missions to Japan and Korea

Estonian companies in the green, digital, and healthcare sectors have the opportunity to join five-day business missions to Japan and Korea over the next four years, organized under an EU-funded project. These five-day missions include B2B meetings, site visits, trade fairs, networking...

Invitation to the AIRE Training: Technologies in Future Factories, 13.11.2024

The training by the Institute of Computer Science and the Institute of Technology of the University of Tartu provides insights into how high-tech solutions impact manufacturing companies. We will discuss how to better utilize new technological opportunities and how the...

28.11.24: Tech Industry 2024 trade fair and B2B meetings for international buyers in Latvia

Welcome to the International Buyers B2B at TechIndustry 2024 in Latvia! Find your next business partner at the fair’s matchmaking event! Tech Industry 2024 offers a unique opportunity to meet many Latvian engineering companies in one place. During the three-day...

20.11.2024: NEDS 2024, International Defence & Security Exhibition and B2B meetings

International Defence Industry brokerage event takes place in the framework of NEDS 2024, the International Defence & Security Trade Fair, with a focus on creating new and profitable partnerships. The sub-topic will discuss cooperation opportunities under the actions of the...

11-25.11.2024: Warsaw/online, EU-Ukraine brokerage event: construction and energy sectors

The Rebuild Ukraine Matchmaking Platform will offer the opportunity to participate at benerfitial B2B meetings with interesting partners in the construction sector and provide other solutions to rebuild Ukraine. The event will be attended by manufacturers, distributors and suppliers, procurers...

19.-21.11.24: International Sustainable Mobility, mess ja B2B kohtumised

Olete oodatud osalema üritusele, mis keskendub teemadele: arukas liikuvus, energialahendused, ühistransport, asjade internet ja tehisintellekt, logistika ja autotööstus. Info:

13.-14.11.24: Precision Fair 2024, precision technology brokerage event and exhibition

Welcome to attend an event focusing on the latest developments in precision technology and Big Science, and to create new profitable collaborations.Info:

12-14.11.2024 Elmia Subcontractor Connect: raditional subcontracting fair and B2B meetings in Sweden and online

Find your next business partner at the fair’s matchmaking event!Subcontractor Connect 2024 is the right meeting place for purchasers, R&D managers and suppliers from all of Europe. Through short, effective and individually adapted business meetings, you can build the foundation...

Implement your sustainable development plans with a €25,000 grant

Companies are welcome to apply for an attractive €25,000 grant (no co-financing required) to prepare for investments that will facilitate the sustainable and flexible operation of your company. Grants will be available until the end of 2024 or until funds...

19.11.2024 Match XR 2024: A Networking Event on Emerging Technologies in Finland

Match XR is an annual pre-event for Slush, dedicated to showcasing new technologies, focusing on the current state of Finland’s XR and Web3 industries.Join the B2B networking event organized by the Finnish EEN during the main event to find valuable...

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