
Consulting and information for internationally operating companies

The Estonian Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) offers general legal advice on issues such as the impact and implementation of EU directives, national legislation of other countries, international trade agreements and disputes, transportation conditions, taxation, and public procurement issues.

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Advisory on European Union funding programs

The Estonian Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) consortium offers small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) various opportunities to promote and develop their business ideas through different European Union funding programs such as HORIZON, EIC, and others. Our experts help companies identify the most suitable funding programs for them and support them throughout the application process.

Advisory on EU Funding Programs

Business contacts database

Is your company looking for international business partners? Are you seeking a subcontractor, agent, or partner for a product development project? Or perhaps you are looking for a partner to apply for EU funding? Now you can find technology, business, and research partners all in one place.

Cooperation Offers

Partner search service

We help our clients participate in matchmaking events organized in conjunction with international trade fairs. At these events, companies have the opportunity to meet several potential new partners in scheduled one-on-one meetings in a short period of time.

Partnering opportunities | Enterprise Europe Network (