25.-26.09.23 Nordic Innovation Fair ja kontaktkohtumised

Nordic universities create significant potential for translating early-stage research-based inventions into products and services which benefit society. However, to realise the full potential, it requires support from external business partners.

In Copenhagen on 25 – 26 September 2023, the Nordic Innovation Fair will showcase up to 130 business opportunities, offering a free and unique matchmaking and networking opportunity by bringing together all stakeholders across the innovation ecosystem.

Researchers and spin-outs from Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, and Denmark will present their inventions with the aim of finding business opportunities for: licensing, co-development, research collaboration, funding and/or investment.

This year’s categories are:

  • Medtech & Diagnostics
  • Biotech & Pharma
  • Greentech & Food
  • Digital Solutions

Registration and more info is open until 25th September 2023: Nordic Innovation Fair 2023 – Home (