The training by the Institute of Computer Science and the Institute of Technology of the University of Tartu provides insights into how high-tech solutions impact manufacturing companies. We will discuss how to better utilize new technological opportunities and how the strengths of humans and technology can complement each other. This knowledge allows for delegating automatable tasks to machines and engaging humans where machines cannot yet replace them.
The course benefits manufacturing, technology, IT managers, process engineers, and data analysts. It also provides valuable information for anyone working with the implementation of new technologies and the automation of production processes in their daily activities.
The training will feature lectures by faculty and researchers from Tartu University: Meelis Kull, Raivo Kolde, Vaiko Vunder, and Karl Kruusamäe. The event will take place on November 13 in Tartu.
Only legal entities (e.g., using employer data) are eligible to participate, and pre-registration is required by November 11, 2024, or until places are filled. The number of participants is limited!
The participation fee is €480, covered under the de minimis aid (VTA) scheme. By registering for the training, the company confirms permission to use the remaining VTA quota, which will be registered in the state aid register as co-financed participation in the project “AI & Robotics Estonia (EDIH).”
For more information and to registrations: